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Anthony Adams (aka. Uber Bear)

I was first introduced to this amazing game in 1997 during my time in the USAF. To pass the time friends and I would gather, of course with adult beverages, and slam multiplayer games each trying to claim victor for the evening. After a 12 year hiatus I returned to the game playing Commander (EDH) with local friends. That passion later evolved into cube development and design simply because we all loved the competitive nature of the draft. 
For 10-ish years I have been a  proud curator of 8 beautiful cubes. Each has it own personality and flavor that makes for fun, chaotic, uncomfortable, exciting, memorable and nerve racking play experiences all rolled up into one.
I am constantly tweaking and updating the environments on both new set releases as well as player feedback.

"When I go to the pearly gates my collection will end up at a random garage sale priced on the white lies I have convinced my wife I invested."
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May (Myagic)

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Stu Higgens

Stu first learned to play Magic in the modern scene. He immediately became addicted to the game based on both the complexity and comradery the game fosters. 
Stu is our avid drafter where is test the boundaries of our play groups cube design.  Often 3-0 ing our draft pods Stu serves a critical role  player where he provides honest constructive feedback on our groups cubes and provides insight on both additions and tweeking to make the environments more immersive.